Sunday, August 26, 2012

Chain of Command

You may or may not have been a fan of Star Trek: the Next Generation. But there was a pretty amazing two-parter in the middle of its sixth season titled "Chain of Command" which dealt with some heavy stuff that has become relevant again and again since it aired, along with some very relatable scenarios that most of us have experienced a version of at one point or another.

Here's a trailer that's bad enough it might talk you out of actually watching it:

The more easily translatable sub-plot deals with the difficulties in transitioning from working under one leader with whom you are comfortable and by whom you feel appreciated, to working under another who may ultimately be on the same side, but with whom you may not only disagree, but feel downright opposed to, even if it makes your mutual goals harder to attain.

The other has to do with torture, and it's effectiveness at producing the professed end result, versus it's ability to create other, more insidious, but less productive outcomes.

This may be a vague recommendation, but I don't want to give too much away if you haven't already watched these two episodes. Even if you don't enjoy the series, give them a try as they're available on Netflix. Then discuss.


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