Saturday, August 25, 2012

Schedules, Facebook, etc.

Hello, readers. I want you all to know that I'm constantly changing the format here, and one of those changes is that weekends, from now on, (instead of just Sundays like before,) won't be for reviews. Just little pop-ins when there's something to say that isn't related to a restaurant or cafe visit or such things. Also, this is the post for Friday, even though it might be a little after midnight when it goes live, and it's devoid of review too.

Sorry to break the 4th wall like this, but there are some things that are taking some of my time that will be evident in the long run, including better page indexing, consistent ratings systems, etc. One of the things I've just implemented this week is the new Facebook page.

Or just lookup Slope du Jour on your Facebook search bar. As our new neighbor and knight would say: Boldly go.

Stay tuned for more good things.


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